Communication Department

  Co 10012 A & B: Homiletics
    2 Semester Hours (32 CH) Each
  This course is designed to teach the student the various methods and principles of building sermons and lessons outlines. The course covers the various types of outlines such as: Narrative, Textual, Topical, Question, and Expository.
  Co 20022 A & B: Speech I
    2 Semester Hours (32 CH) Each
  This is a study of the fundamentals of speech. Types of speech, methods, mechanics, diction, and enunciation are covered in this course.
  Co 30032 A & B: Speech II
    2 Semester Hours (32 CH) Each
  This is a second year course in the study of the fundamentals of speech. Types of speech, methods, mechanics, diction, and enunciation are covered in this course.
  Co 30043 A & B: Christian Journalism
    2 Semester Hours (32 CH) Each
  Christian Journalism is an elective course that deals almost exclusively with publication work. This class serves as the publication tool for the school publications like the newsletter, spanish literature, and other school publications. Entrance into this class requires a good record in the English courses and selection by the faculty.