Pastoral Practicalities Department

  Pp 10012 A & B: Ministerial Practicalities
    2 Semester Hours (32 CH) Each
  This course acquaints the student with a knowledge in the field of Pastoral Psychology as it relates to Bible principles. A knowledge in this field prepares the student for more efficiency in pastoral endeavors.
  Pp 20022 A, B & C: Defense of the Faith
    3 Semester Hours (48 CH) Each
  Defense of the Faith is an apologetic study of Baptist doctrine which establishes a foundation for further advancement in "...the faith once delivered to the saints."
  Pp 30023 A, B, & C: Pastoral Psychology
    3 Semester Hours (48 CH) Each
  This course is designed to teach the future pastor or Christian worker the professional techniques of case studies and suggested steps are covered. It challenges the student to integrate Christian principles and counseling techniques in helping those in need.
  Pp 40042 A, B: Cults and World Religions
    2 Semester Hours (32CH) Each
  This course is designed to give a clear and concise understanding of cult religions in the twenty-first century and ancient religions of the world.